Mobilong Rotary Inc was proud to be a part of this community project.
Council is excited to share and unveil the completed "country life' mural at the Memory Support Wing at Lerwin. 

This exciting project was coordinated and financed by the Combines Services Clubs of Murray Bridges (CSC)
路 Inner Wheel of Mobilong
路 Kiwanis Club of Murray Bridge
路 Lions Club of Murray Bridge
路 Lions Club of Murray Bridge City
路 Rotary Club of Murray Bridge
路 Rotary Club of Mobilong
路 Soroptomists Club of Murray Bridge

The mural, designed and painted by Year 10 art students under the guidance of art teacher Kylie Brunato, aims to evoke reflection and reminiscence of times gone by.
Lerwin Nursing Home together with Council is extremely grateful for the support provided by the Combined Services Clubs, the Murray Bridge High School and the sponsorship from Crowies Paints and Bridge Building Supplies for their support with paint and materials.